Room Journal
Online Content
Issue 01:
The Bathroom
Issue 02:
The Kitchen
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Online Content
eaky Architectures
Andrés Jaque in conversation with Kareem Obey
“Architecture has the capacity to create spaces of disobedience and dissidence. Milieus where disalignment is possible... In the Office for Political Innovation, architecture is the invention of techno-social dissidence...”
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ilets We Trust
Alex Schweder
“ Let me provide some context; I am an artist who builds extreme environments with my creative partner, Ward Shelley. We then live in these structures for predetermined lengths of time thinking of this act as a performance... ”
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Pissing in Public
Emily Scoular
By co-opting Vancouver’s current real estate model, one that exchanges rights to the limited production of architecture for public amenity, this project provides access to public washrooms through the inclusive understanding of what it means for all to occupy otherwise privileged space.
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