Room Journal
Online Content
Issue 01:
The Bathroom
Issue 02:
The Kitchen
Get a Room!
Leaky Architectures
Andrés Jaque
Kareem Obey
“Architecture has the capacity to create spaces of disobedience and dissidence. Milieus where disalignment is possible... In the Office for Political Innovation, architecture is the invention of techno-social dissidence...”
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Reflections on 26 Bathrooms
Peter Greenaway
“J s for Jacuzzi - a name which belonged to an Italian-American family of brothers who grew up in the airplane business making propellors in California.... Many people answered our advertisement. They were obviously curious to see a jacuzzi demonstrated... ”
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Alena Pavan, Dylan Maeers, David Meiklejohn
“The Sponge Bob toilet would be one example. Apart from the victorian examples given in the talk, those created in the heyday of sanitary pottery that look quite different from how we imagine toilets now ... ”
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Fantazy Toothbrushes
Seth Bogart
“Architecture has the capacity to create spaces of disobedience and dissidence. Milieus where disalignment is possible... In the Office for Political Innovation, architecture is the invention of techno-social dissidence...”
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Sidi Harazem Restoration
Aziza Chaouni + Dana Salama
>>> Coming
In Toilets
We Trust
Alex Schweder
“Let me provide some context; I am an artist who builds extreme environments with my creative partner, Ward Shelley. We then live in these structures for predetermined lengths of time thinking of this act as a performance... ”
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